Take off? Fly away? Float above things?
Yes, please! Nathalie Bräutigam thankfully helps you to escape the world: straight away while doing the puzzle, you embark on an adventurous journey into the sky in wacky objects.


This paper look is fascinating! The atmospheric scenes in the new ‘Paper-Like’ series were designed by Macedonian artist Viktor Gavriloski, who not only knows how to work with video, film, music and graphic design, but also with AI.

RITA BERMAN – Happytown

Turn bad days into good days! Both in the morning and in the evening, Rita Berman’s streets are full of cheerful little animals and charming scenes. When you’ve finished both parts and can put them together. Wonderful!


Everyday life can be turn into art! With strong colours and unusual dimensions and perspectives, Alex Pascual gives everyday scenes and simple objects an unexpected beauty and new, greater meaning.

MARINO DEGANO – Take a Trip!

Marino Degano has designed a street that is home to all kinds of interesting creatures. The special thing about it is that each section of the street is designed by a different artist and they can all be placed next to each other as desired. 😊.

MARINO DEGANO – Look Closely!

Open your eyes! In this series of puzzles, Marino Degano, the master of the crazy tangle, invites you to take a close look at what is going on in and on his creations. The aim is to find ten specific sections.

Neu im Dreieck: MARC HEROLD

Marc Herold, a left-hander, has set out to conquer the hidden object scene out of his love of comics. Which shouldn’t be a problem, given his impressive talent for easy, funny, spontaneous illustrations!

LOUP – Wanted!

The manhunt is on! So come on, find the wanted criminals quickly! It’s not easy: you can’t see them in the motif on the packaging – you have to put the „puzzles“ together first! Have fun and good luck!


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Neben unseren exklusiven Puzzles bietet Heye Kalender eine breite Palette hochwertiger Produkte. Hier finden Sie nicht nur unsere “Klassiker” wie Helme Heine, Mordillo und Loriot, sondern auch spektakulären Naturaufnahmen, Tier-, Sport-, Kinderkalender und vieles mehr.Heye-Kalender-klein

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